Ricardo da COSTA
Art and History: the genesis of the monarchy conception in the Christian West (IV-VI centuries)
Arte e História: a gênese da concepção monárquica no Ocidente cristão (sécs. IV-VI)
Published in Idea and image of royal power of the monarchies in Ancient and Medieval World
Keywords: Keywords: Christianity, Clovis I, Constantine, the Great, Middle Ages, Monarchy, Theodosius I.
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The article examines the birth of the Monarchy in the Medieval West. To do it, three paradigmatic cases that helped to build the monarchical ideal are analyzed: the conversions to Christianity of Constantine the Great (272-337) and King Clovis I (c. 466-511), beyond the submission of Theodosius I (347-395) to the Roman Catholic Church, with their corresponding images (fresco, painting, sculpture, coin, illumination, tomb).