Mário Jorge da Motta BASTOS
The Organization of the Church in the Iberian Peninsula: the Diocese of Coimbra (11th-12th Centuries)
A estruturação da Igreja na Península Ibérica: a Diocese de Coimbra (sécs. XI-XII)
Published in Society and Culture in Portugal
Keywords: Keywords: Christianism, Church History, Diocese of Coimbra, Iberian Peninsula.
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Is there an object of study concerning the medieval civilization more wide, complex, diverse and controversial than that we use to call Church? Without losing the perspective of the institution in its amplitude, we intend to address, in this article, the structuring process of the portucalense Church in the context of the wars of conquest and the progressive autonomation of the geopolitical space of the formation of the kingdom of Portugal, paying attention to the process of restoration of the dioceses liberated from the Islamic domain and to the trajectory of the diocese of Coimbra in the eleventh and twelfth centuries.