Semantic neologisms in the DOLEV-Natura
Les novetats semàntiques en el DOLEV-Natura
Published in New Approaches in the Research on the Crown of Aragon
Keywords: Corpus, Diccionaris, Lexicografia, Lingüística del corpus, Semàntica d’Enric Valor.
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4.pdfThis article shows the semantic neologisms hitherto not compiled in reference dictionaries (DIEC2, DDLC, DNV and DCVB) which have been found in the dictionary of the nature of the literary work by Enric Valor (DOLEV-Nature). This has been achieved with the help of the tools of the Corpus Informatitzat Multilingüe de Textos Antics i Contemporanis (CIMTAC) by ISIC-IVITRA. These tools allowed us to compile the corpus of the literary work by Enric Valor (COLEV).