The second level of St. Bonaventure’s Transcendent Aesthetics: Speculating the divine Trinity through the good
Published in Mirabilia Journal 31 (2020/2)
Keywords: Keywords: Christ, Contemplation, Good, St. Bonaventure, Theology, Trinity.
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After pointing out that St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio conceives his Aesthetics as a free way to be able to ascend contemplatively towards God, this article seeks to explain the surprising and ingenious “arguments” (deeply imbued by faith) that this author proposes to base the second level of the “transcendent” stage of his peculiar Aesthetics. In the first four levels of his Aesthetics, Bonaventure establishes this initial ascent to God by considering the external beings of the material world as vestiges of the Creator (first and second levels), and then by examining our mind as an image of God, in which he can be seen reflected in a mirror (third and fourth levels). St. Bonaventure states that in the third stage of his Aesthetics (the "transcendent" stage), the human mind can look over itself to speculate on God in his essential property as the Supreme Being (fifth level) and in his personal properties as highest Good (sixth level). Our article focuses exclusively on the expression of this sixth level of Bonaventurian Aesthetics.