Bárbara DANTAS
The Cantigas de Santa Maria of King Afonso X (13th century). Cantiga 84: religious orders and aedificationes
As Cantigas de Santa Maria do rei Afonso X (século XIII). Cantiga 84: as ordens religiosas e as aedificationes
Published in
Keywords: Cantigas de Santa María, Medieval Architecture, Medieval Literature, Miniature, Religious Orders.
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02._dantas.pdfThis work aims to show the importance of medieval religious orders for the realization of architectural works in the medieval period. The main source of this study is not an architectural work in itself, but a codex. Both in images and texts, this book delights us with many references to architectural works. It is the Cantigas de Santa Maria of King Afonso X. A compendium of the 13th century formed by about 420 songs recorded in Galician-Portuguese through rhythmic verses. The songs are “illuminated” by hundreds of historical full-page illuminations that represent in images what the text says in words. Cantiga 84 is the driving force behind this brief survey of some buildings that marked the Middle Ages and still enchant the world.