Català de Valleriola’s (1568-1608) memory in the bibliography from XVIth to XXth century
Original title: La memòria de Català de Valleriola (1568-1608) en la bibliografia del segle XVI al XX
Published in
Keywords: 16th Century, Catalan Literature, Català de Valeriola, Diaries, Memorialistic, Valencia.
This paper provides a general view of the memory which the subsequent bibliographers left about Bernat Català de Valleriola in their works from the XVIth to the XXth.
The marriage of Bernat Català de Valleriola: from prison to legitimacy
Original title: El matrimoni de Bernat Català de Valleriola: de la presó a la legitimitat
Published in
Keywords: 16th Century, Catalan Literature, Català de Valeriola, Diaries, Memorialistic, Valencia.
This paper provides a general view of the process involving the marriage of Bernat Català de Valleriola (1568-1607) with Constança Rabassa de Perellós, against the will of his father-in-law Gener Rabassa de Perellós. The process was reflected not only by Valleriola’s diary but also by subsequent lawsuits.