Utopia of the Kingdom of the Spirit
Noeli Dutra ROSSATTO
Original title: Utopia do Reino do Espírito
Published in The Kingdom of the Spirit
Keywords: Agostinho da da Silva, Antonio Vieira, Fifth Empire, Joachim of Fiore, Kingdom of the Spirit.
Three utopian perspectives of the kingdom merge in Luso-Brazilian culture. The Abbot Joachim of Fiore (1135-1205) proposes a Trinitarian division of history into three states (status) of the world, and the Kingdom of the Spirit blooms in third. Derive of the contribution prophetic work of the Jesuit Antonio Vieira (1608-1692) the second perspective that divides history into three kingdoms of Christ, in which the last stage fulfils as a Consummated Kingdom of Christ or Fifth Empire, without the prediction of a Kingdom of the Spirit. Finally, Agostinho da Silva (1906-1994) takes up the Trinitarian division of history and projects a Kingdom of the Spirit as a recreation of the Fifth-imperialism, Messianic and Joachimite utopias, celebrated in the festivities of the Empire of the Divine Holy Spirit.