Conjunctions and prepositions in the 16th century. Uses in a Mallorcan math book
Original title: Conjuncions i preposicions al segle XVI. Usos en un tractat d'aritmètica mallorquí
Published in
Keywords: 16th century, Arithmetic, Catalan language, Conjunctions, Prepositions.
In this article, we study the conjunctions and prepositions that appear in Joan Ventallol’s Pràtica mercantívol, which was published in Lyon in 1521. This text, which was initially released in Catalan and later translated into Spanish in Tarragona (1619), enables us to study the language that was used for non-aesthetic purposes within the field of applied mathematics. Alongside our classification of the conjunctions and study of their main uses, we analyse the unstressed prepositions of the Catalan language a/en, de/amb, per/per a and we catalogue the stressed prepositions that we have observed in the above-mentioned publication. These connections contribute to our general knowledge of the use of the Catalan language for non-literary purposes during the 16th.
The translation of the classics of the Crown of Aragon into the Asturian language
Original title: La torna de los clásicos de la Corona d’Aragón a la llingua asturiana
Published in
Keywords: Asturian language, Catalan language, Crown of Aragon, Valencian language, translation.
This paper presents the current state of the translations of the classics of the Crown of Aragon that the author was making into the Asturian language.