Jerome of Stridon’s Epistolario as a Source of Iconological Problems
Original title: El Epistolario de Jerónimo de Estridón como fuente de problemas iconológicos
Published in Mirabilia Journal 31 (2020/2)
Keywords: Epistolary, Figure, Flemish painting, Iconology.
Some exegetes of the Late Antiquity used a system of allegorical and figurative relationships to extract Christian meanings from texts, and in this way, writing a historical memory. Later, in the 20th century, historians such as Erwin Panofsky, established the principles of the iconological method through a ‘scientific’ interpretation of figurative arts, that subjected those texts to the historical context, the iconographic code, and the technical medium of each work, in order to ‘reconstruct’ its meaning and, therefore, the history of art. In this essay, based on examples from Jerónimo’s Epistolary, Panof-sky’s theoretical texts, and Flemish painting, we try to observe how –underneath historical contexts and technical mediums– these disciplines can share processes of construction and communication of historical reality content, by means of figures and images.
Symbol and visionary experience in Hildegard of Bingen’s Epistolary (1098-1179)
Original title: Símbolo y experiencia visionaria en el Epistolario de Hildegarda de Bingen (1098-1179)
Published in The Medieval Aesthetics
Keywords: Epistolary, Hildegard of Bingen, Symbol, Visionary experience.
Hildegard of Bingen’s epistolary gathers, in its almost four hundred letters, a very rich biographic material with XII century historic and cultural data. It also presents a particular style, closed related to her visionary gift. Inside the exploration of this mundus imaginalis, a real aesthetic experience takes place: the symbols constellations that appear in these texts (mainly from nature) correspond with similar images from other languages used by Hildegard such as pictorial and musical ones. By means of some examples, this article inquires to what extent and in which way this perspective broadens the hermeneutic horizon in the epistolary texts.