Augustine and Wittgenstein on language: the meaning problem
Original title: Agostinho e Wittgenstein em torno da linguagem: o problema da significação
Published in Art, Criticism and Mysticism
Keywords: Augustine, Language, Linguistic signs, Linguistic turn, Signification, Wittgenstein.
The influence of Saint Augustine (354-430) on the contemporary philosophy themes is in fact great. Inside these themes, one stands out in the contemporary philosophy: the theme of language. It is no accident that Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), one of the great philosophers of language of XX century, kept a swinging correlation with the Augustine theory. In this sense, with support in the Augustine’s works Confessiones and De magistro, and with support in the Wittgenstein’s Tractacus-Logico Philosophicus (1921) and Philosophical Investigations (1953), this article aims analyze the theoric connection between Augustine and Wittgenstein on the linguistics signals. With this connection, aims presents a scrutiny about the link between linguistic signals and referencials objects, with function of explore the discussion about the referencial words conteudistics topic, an important topic in the language’s metaphysics and for the philosophy of language.
Mysticism, Language and Silence in Plotinus's Philosophy
Maria Simone Cabral Marinho
Original title: Mística, Linguagem e Silêncio na Filosofia de Plotino
Published in Expressing the Divine: Language, Art and Mysticism
Keywords: Language, Mysticism, Plotinus, Silence.
This article tries to highlight some important aspects of mystical experience in Plotinus, pointing out, above all, the problem of language that appears in the Plotinian Philosophy as a mediating term between the need to communicate the One and the impossibility of doing so.
The language in the medieval scholasticism
Ivanaldo SANTOS
Original title: A linguagem na escolástica medieval
Published in Monastic and Scholastic Philosophy in the Middle Ages
Keywords: Language, Medieval, Problem, Scholasticism, Thomas Aquinas.
This article aims introducing the problem of the language in the medieval scholasticism, specifically in the work by Tomás de Aquino, thinker of greater notoriety in the scholasticism. In order to achieve this goal this article was divided in two parts: 1) The medieval scholasticism; 2) The language in the thought of Tomás de Aquino. Finally, it is confirmed that is necessary perceive that the medieval scholasticism provided relevant discussions about themes that centuries later, guided the modernity, for example, the method, the logic and the language.