Register and fabulistic tradition: the case of Wolf, the fox and the ape
Claudio R. CUELLAR
Original title: Registro y tradición fabulística: el caso del lobo, la zorra y el simio
Published in
Keywords: Collocation, Fidem, Furtum, Lexical cohesion, Systemic-functional grammar.
The objective of this communication is to analyze the purpose that is granted to the legal use of slang and knowledge of the Roman law and Spanish in two sources that tell a judicial process by theft: on the one hand, the episode on the lawsuit that happened between the wolf, the fox and Don Ximio in the Libro de Buen Amor (321-371); and on the other hand, we will analyze the roman version in which indirectly inspired the Arcipreste de Hita, the fable “Lupus et vulpes judice simio” (Pha. Ae. X) written by Fedro. And given that it is studying the log to determine the reception of Roman law and Spanish in the mentioned authors, use -the only methodological effect – the grammar systemic-functional, in regard to placement and the field, tenor and mode.