Burgundy and German Empire in Curial. The centre of Europe seen from the periphery
Original title: Borgonya i l’Imperi Alemany en el Curial. El centre d’Europa vist des de la perifèria
Published in
Keywords: Alfonso the Magnanimous, Chivalric romance, Curial e Güelfa, Medieval catalan literature.
The chivalric romance Curial e Güelfa (anonymous; datable ca. 1445-1448) is the most emblematic literary artefact of a court in Europe’s periphery, like the Neapolitan one of Alfonso the Magnanimous, where Catalan –also a «periphereal» language– was the most widespread. The king’s favourite painters were Flemish and the author of the romance was fascinated by the Burgundian cavalry-performance, played here by characters like the duke (Philip III the Pious), the lords of Bergues and Saint-Georges, the German duke of Kleve, etc. The Holy Roman Empire, the duchies of Bavaria and Austria, the kingdom of Hungary and other states in central Europe are well depicted in the romance, as the unknown writer had news about the courts, the diplomacy and the aristocratic circles from the heart of the continent.
On the teaching will in the work of Isabel de Villena
Original title: Sobre la voluntad didáctica en la obra de sor Isabel de Villena
Published in Isabel de Villena (1430-1490)
Keywords: 15th century, Isabel de Villena, Medieval catalan literature, Teaching, Valencia, Vita Christi.
The Vita Christi of Isabel de Villena is an excepcional work. She wanted to give live models to her sisters of religion, and that is why the role of the female protagonists of the life of Christ gain relief in the pages of his work. This article emphasizes the teaching of the abbess of the Trinitat present in this book and in other works known and now lost.