The Archives of the Crown of Aragon, philological treasure for the juridical linguistic studies
Original title: Les Archives de la Couronne d’Aragon, trésor philologique à exploiter par l’approche linguistique juridique
Published in
Keywords: Archives, Legal, Linguistics, Methodology, Research.
The Aragon Crown Archives gather historical documentary resources that constitute excellent corpus for legal linguistics research. We will strengthen this statement by showing, on the one hand, the methodology to follow in order to unearth singular collections and, on the other hand, by demonstrating why these Archive’s historical documentary resources are a clear referent for linguistics approach.
The Music. One of the keys to understanding Time
Ricardo da COSTA
Original title: A Música. Uma das chaves para a compreensão do Tempo
Published in Music in Antiquity, Middle Ages & Renaissance
Keywords: History, Liberal Arts, Methodology, Music.
The purpose is to present José Enrique Ruiz-Domènec’s (Spanish Historian 1948- ) methodology for the study of the Past: the appreciation of Music – traditionally one of the seven liberal arts – in historical studies as a key element for understanding the history of cultures in time. To do this, we will concentrate on four of his books: España, una nueva historia (2009), Personajes intempestivos de la Historia (2011), Europa. Las claves de su historia (2012), and Escuchar el pasado. Ocho siglos de música europea (2012). In them three characters are presented that symbolize the imperative need for Music studies to find the key to the Past: Pope Gregory, the Great (540-604) and the creation of the universe European sound with Gregorian chant, Mozart (1756-1791) and the rational sense of civilization of the Ancien Régime, and Joaquín Rodrigo (1901-1999) and the incurable nostalgia of Spanish in Aranjuez Concert (1939).