Sacred and profane in Medieval: superposition or symbiosis? – The case of dedicated medieval religious institutions to non-religious purposes
Armando Alexandre dos SANTOS
Original title: Sagrado e profano no Medievo: superposição ou simbiose? – O caso das instituições religiosas medievais dedicadas a finalidades não religiosas
Published in Music in Antiquity, Middle Ages & Renaissance
Keywords: Building bridges, Middle Ages, Military life, Religious orders, Rules of Religious Orders.
This article considers the interpenetration of the sacred and profane spheres in the Middle Ages, studying the case of some religious orders destined for temporal and profane purposes, such as the construction of bridges; it focuses, in a special way, on the theological foundation of these orders and the constitutive importance of the rules or statutes for their regular and official existence.
The thought of Thomas Aquinas about military life, just war and military orders of chivalry
Ricardo da COSTA and Armando Alexandre dos SANTOS
Original title: O pensamento de Santo Tomás de Aquino (1225-1274) sobre a vida militar, a guerra justa e as ordens militares de cavalaria
Published in The Middle Ages and the Crusades
Keywords: Crusades, Military life, Religious life, chivalry.
The article briefly presents the thought of Thomas Aquinas about the legitimacy of military life and the concept of just war, and its theological justification in the context of the Crusades, to the military orders. For that, initially uses the Biblical foundation. The following briefly lists some of the saints of the Church, to discuss the thought of Aquinas about the subject.