A compreensão mística na obra de Jâmblico de Cálcis
Ivan Vieira Neto
Published in The Philosophical Tradition in the Ancient and Medieval World
Keywords: Mysteries, Philosophy, Religion.
Gender perspectives: implementation of sociological methodology to Old Testament’s images of the 17th century
Original title: Las perspectivas del género: aplicación de la metodología sociológica a imágenes veterotestamentarias del siglo XVII
Published in
Keywords: Baroque art, Collective imagery, Gender, Misogyny, Religion.
The collective religious and artistic imagery of the seventeenth century is a fundamental point of study at the sociological level, since it shows thoughts and models that governed life in community of the time. For this reason, a study of these images is proposed in this paper with the aim of defending the following thesis: it is possible, with the tools provided by the main historians of art of the sociological school (such as Antal, Francastel, Hadjinicolaou or Hauser), argue that the use of one type or another of images of biblical women (positive or negative) may vary according to gender, understood as a social construct, of the subject performing the representation. In this way, works made by female and male painters will be contrasted on the basis of thematic blocks: Judith beheading Holofernes, Susana and the Elders, Jael and Sisera and Samson and Delilah. Each of the themes, as you can see, presents a conflicting episode that has as protagonists a duo formed by a man and a woman. In this way the opposing positions between the two genders will be much more evident, depending on the hand of the painter.
Naturalism in Averroes and its implications for the relationship between Philosophy and Religion
Original title: El naturalismo en Averroes y sus consecuencias para la relación entre Filosofía y Religión
Published in Monastic and Scholastic Philosophy in the Middle Ages
Keywords: Averroes, Fideism, Naturalism, Philosophy, Religion.
The purpose of these pages is to present Averroes’ opinion concerning the possibility of supernatural events, as well as its consequences to the relationship that, according to that wise Cordobese, should exist between philosophy and religion. To this end, we will take into account certain central aspects of Averroes’ thought, especially his famous debate with Algazel (the Tahafut al Tahafut) and his Decisive Treatise (Fasl al Maqal).
Religious formulae with prophylactic purposes within the Andalusi context
Original title: Fórmulas religiosas con finalidad profiláctica en el contexto andalusí
Published in
Keywords: Epigraphy, Islam, Magic, Religion, Talisman.
This article presents a group of metal artifacts, which are usually classified as talismans. In these artifacts we can read epigraphic engraved legends that are related to Koran and other Islamic religious formula. This fact displays the close relationship existing between magic and religion as parts of a cosmology concerning the belief in a supernatural world. This relationship is avoided or denied by the Orthodox Establishment, although it is spread among Al-Andalus population.
Superstition and Religiousness in the Res publica: Areas of Power?
Luís Filipe Silvério Lima
Original title: Superstições e Religiosidade na Res Publica: Espaços de Poder?
Published in Expressing the Divine: Language, Art and Mysticism
Keywords: Livy., Prophecy, Religion, power.
This paper deals with the links between religion and prophecy as forms of power in Livy.