The contribution of Ernesto Salles Cunha for paleopathology in the State of Espirito Santo, Brazil
Henrique Antônio VALADARES COSTA, Patrícia D. DEPS
Original title: A contribuição de Ernesto Salles Cunha para a paleopatologia no Estado do Espírito Santo, Brasil
Published in
Keywords: Archeology, Ernesto Salles Cunha, Paleopathology, Prehistory, Sambaquis.
Ernesto de M. Salles Cunha (1907-1977) was Professor of Dentistry School at the Universidade Federal Fluminense and set his life as an enthusiast of the Brazilian history of health, more precisely about the history of dental health and the development of archeology in Brazil. This article demonstrates the importance of the researcher presence in the Capixaba`s territory contributing with the studies about the dental paleopathology of the Sambaquis population in the State of Espirito Santo.