Sor Juana and Proba: A Model of Translation
Sor Juana y Proba. Un modelo de translatio
Published in Emotions in the Ancient and Medieval Mediterranean World
Keywords: Keywords: Christianity, Faltona Betitia Proba, Feminism, Paganism, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz.
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2012_02_10.pdfThe female Roman writer Betitia Proba wrote several works in which she tried to provide a cultural bridge between Pagan and Christian letters. For it, she received the criticism of Saint Jerome, among others. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, a Mexican nun and writer used the example of Proba in many of her writings. This article contends that Sor Juana claimed a second Proba in the Mexican literary milieu of the 17th century in order to defend her rights as a female intellectual.