The Christian imaginary in the novels of knights and in the cantigas de amor
Hilda Gomes Dutra Magalhães, Eliane Cristina Testa and Izabel Cristina dos Santos Teixeira
Original title: O imaginário cristão nas novelas de cavalaria e nas cantigas de amor
Published in The educacion and secular culture in the Middle Ages
Keywords: Christian Education, chivalry story, love songs.
We analyze, in this text, the influence of the christian education in the secular imaginary of the Middle Age, more exactly in the story of chivalry Search for the Holy Grail and in the plaintive love songs, produced in the Europe in the twelfth century. Throughout the reflection, we observed an important influence of the Church as much in the cavalry stories as in the plaintive love songs, but these influences weren't sufficient for to avoid the increase, in the imaginary of Middle Age, of the individuality, cultural substratum of the Europe anterior the Christianism.