Marginalized women. The case of the Castilian concubines
Original title: Mujeres marginadas. El caso de las concubinas castellanas
Published in Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Peninsula Cultural History
Keywords: Castile, Concubinage, Concubines, Middle Ages, Sexuality.
Concubinage has been, over the past decade, several investigations. While increasingly know more about concubines and late medieval concubinage. This time we will try to give a new look to the pasts in Castile in the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries. Added to this will be analytical axis as the role of women in concubinage, seeing in them the various forms that are part of that reality.
Super Incontinentia Clericorum. A historical note about the Cántica de los clérigos de Talavera
Estefanía BERNABÉ
Original title: Super Incontinentia Clericorum: Un apunte histórico sobre la Cántica de los clérigos de Talavera
Published in Relations between History and Literature in Ancient and Medieval World
Keywords: Celibacy, Clerisy, Concubinage, Libro de Buen Amor, Morality.
In the Libro de Buen Amor, written in the XIV century by Juan Ruiz, Archpriest of Hita, we find one of the best critical sources to observe the behavior of the late-medieval Spanish clerisy; through fiction, the book acts as an outstanding historical document when trying to approach their concept of celibacy. The part of the Libro that we hereby analyze, the Cántica de los clérigos de Talavera, clearly of goliardic accent, sets out the protest of the archdiocese of Toledo before the establishment of the obligatory celibacy. In this article, we outline a note about the historical development of the celibacy in the peninsula departing from the satirical approach of the Libro.