Images of nobility in life and works of Meister Eckhart
Original title: As imagens da nobreza na vida e nas obras de Mestre Eckhart
Published in Aristocracy and nobility in the Ancient and Medieval World
Keywords: Eckhart, Nobility, deep of soul, intellect, soul.
Noble as provenance, dominicam master’s life had a plebeian destiny when he was condemned for heresy post mortem. In despite of this, his disciples setted on fire the flame of true nobilty indicated by Eckhart, that is peculiar of soul, intellect and human being free and detached of all images, inclusively of God’s image. Only when human being will recognise His presence in the deep of soul, finding the similarity with Him in the dissimilarity of himself and of all creatures, will be possible to experiment the true nobilty and the end of alterity between deus absconditus and His masterpiece of creation.