Feminine elites in Galician towns during the Late Middle Ages
Original title: Las élites femeninas en las ciudades gallegas de la Baja Edad Media
Published in Mulier aut Femina. Idealism or reality of women in the Middle Ages
Keywords: Galicia, Late Middle Ages, Towns, Urban elites, Women.
Women from different social groups lived in medieval towns. However, historians have studied more closely women working outside their homes in various trades and, far less, women that were part of the urban oligarchies. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyze female elites in Galician towns during the Late Middle Ages, indicating who they were and what their role within the oligarchy was. So, we will know some names, places, relationships, public actions and attitudes to death of those female elites.
Katechon and right of resistance: an approach from the Middle Ages
Cecilia DEVIA
Original title: Katechon y derecho de resistencia: una aproximación desde la Edad Media
Published in Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Peninsula Cultural History
Keywords: Galicia, Katechon, Late Middle Ages, Right of resistance, Violence.
The figure katechon is a complex and ambiguous character, based on a biblical quote taken from the Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians. Expresses the power to “slow” or “holds” the coming of the Antichrist and therefore the confrontation between the forces of good and evil, which precedes the return of the Messiah and the end of the world. In this paper we build on the analysis undertaken on the concept by different contemporary thinkers. If the figure of katechon be applied in relation to the uprisings in medieval and early modern radical character as those inspired by millenarian movements, one could consider that the daily resistance of the dominated, mostly passive features, would act as a brake for the arrival of the end of the world, necessary for the advent of a new one.
The right of resistance of the subjugated people. An example of case: the late medieval Galicia
Cecilia DEVIA
Original title: El derecho a la resistencia de los dominados. Un ejemplo de caso: la Galicia bajomedieval
Published in Manifestations of the Ancient and Medieval World
Keywords: Galicia, Late Middle Ages, Orders, Right of resistance, Violence.
The purpose of this article is to show some of the results of an investigation in progress that pretends to examine the right of resistance exercised by the subjugated people, through a theoretical-documentary approach that uses as example of case the late medieval Galicia. It will be approached within a wide range that extends from the daily practices taken to preserve their own interests, to the study of open and declared revolts, such as the Irmandiño Revolt in 1467-1469. The theory of the three orders, considered as the prevailing worldview at the time, will be briefly discussed. Subsequently this problems will be studied through the analysis and interpretation of various sources.