SOLER MOLINA, Abel. El corsari Jaume de Vilaragut i la donzella Carmesina. El cavaller que inspirà el “Tirant lo Blanc.” València: Edicions Alfons el Magnànim (“Estudis universitaris,” núm. 133), 2014. 2 vols
Original title: SOLER MOLINA, Abel. El corsari Jaume de Vilaragut i la donzella Carmesina. El cavaller que inspirà el “Tirant lo Blanc.” València: Edicions Alfons el Magnànim (“Estudis universitaris,” núm. 133), 2014. 2 vols
Published in Art, Criticism and Mysticism
Keywords: Carmesina, Jaume de Vilaragut, Tirant lo Blanc.
Three carmesinas real and one fictional. The interest in the dialogue between History and Literature for the interpretation of Tirant lo Blanc
Original title: Tres Carmesines reals i una de ficció. Interés del diàleg entre Història i Literatura per a la interpretació de Tirant lo Blanc
Published in
Keywords: Carmesina, Chivalric novel, Jaume de Vilaragut, Joanot Martorell, Tirant lo Blanc.
This article focuses on the historical Valencian knight and baron Jaume de Vilaragut (+ca. 1464), a friend from chilhood of Joanot Martorell, a devout reader of chivalric and Arthurian literature as well as of romances of materia Trojana. He married a member of the Martorell family, became a corsary and defender of Rhodes, was a prisoner of the Great Caramany and of the sultan of Babylon. He also resided at Naples together with the author of Tirant lo Blanc (1460-1464), and was a frustrated commander of the Crusade to recuperate Constantinople following the plan of Pope Calixtus III (1455). He could have been the inspiration for Tirant himself. This hypothesis is reinforces by the fact that there are three Carmesines from the mid-15th century associated with him: A Carmesina his "servant" and possibly his lover; Carmesina Requesens, his niece, born in the 1450s; and Carmesina de Corella, of whom he was godfather ca. 1452. The first Carmesina could have been the inspiration for the princess Carmesina of the chivalric novel.
Translating religious enemy’s animus: Problems translating Tirant lo Blanc into Arabic
Original title: Traduciendo la animadversión religiosa del enemigo: Problemas para la traducción al árabe del Tirant lo Blanc
Published in
Keywords: Islam, Joan Martorell, Moors, Tirant lo Blanc, Translation into Arabic.
First of all, this article is about the novel and its authorship. We are dealing with the translating difficulties with regard to these two heterogeneous cultures. We are presenting how difficult Tirant’s translation is referred to Islam, as well as the words ‘Moor’ when having to translate them into Arabic, taking as a reference Don Quixote of La Mancha translations into Arabic.