Presentation: VI Philosophy's Week (ISF) - Time and Eternity in the Middle Ages
Pe. Dilonei Pedro MÜLLER
Original title: Apresentação: VI Semana de Filosofia (ISF) - Tempo e Eternidade na Idade Média
Uranus, Cronus and Zeus: Greek mythology and its differents conceptions about time
Ana Teresa M. GONÇALVES and Ivan VIEIRA Neto
Original title: Uranos, Cronos e Zeus: a mitologia grega e suas distintas percepções do tempo
Keywords: History, Sacred and Profane, Time.
Reality of Time is an abstract and intuitive concept. Temporality can be experienced and understood, but cannot be felt. Even the experience of Time becomes ambiguous if we think in natural time (as eternal and unchanging) and human time (as changeable and finite) as two distinct instances of a common reality. Depending on this perception, Time is simultaneously, as defined by Mircea Eliade, “sacred” and “profane”: eternal and recoverable, historical and irreducible. In this article, we intend to examine briefly the figures of Uranus, Cronus and Zeus as symbolic representatives of these two different conceptions of Time in the ancient Hellenic imagination.
Conception and immortality of the soul in Plato
Evandro PEGORARO and Juliano de SOUZA
Original title: Concepção e imortalidade da alma em Platão
Keywords: Dualism, Immortality of the soul, Phaedo, Plato, Psyche.
Plato is one of the most important thinkers for the Philosophy, with theories that elapsed centuries and they influenced countless thought currents. Her conception dualist of the reality and of the man it went source to several researches and it still generates discussions in the philosophical debates of the present time. The present article has the intention of presenting the arguments of the book Phaedo regarding the immortality of the soul. For so much, there will be an exhibition of the main points that Plato presents in your cosmological conception and of psyche, as well as the myths on the origin and destiny of the souls after the death, in order to base the understanding of the arguments in favor of the immortality.
The Aristotelian Ethics
Gustavo Ellwanger CALOVI1 and Gustavo Luis MARMENTINI
Original title: A Ética Aristotélica
Keywords: Ethics, Happiness, Justice, Middle ground, Virtue.
The goal of this article is to demonstrate that the study of Aristotelian ethics is fundamental for the reflection of western ethics. The Aristotelian ethics is reasoned on judgment, founded on the moral judgments of good and virtuous man. In this sense his ethics is articulate from a central question: What is the supreme good of the man and, what’s the end’s direction of everything? With this, it becomes clean that the supreme good of the man is happiness, that every man should find it in all of his actions, being the happiness an activity of his soul like the reason and the virtue. To achieve the complete happiness inside the society, the justice between the individuals must be present. And so there will not be inequalities and the middle ground will be present between the parts, including what concerns the relationships.
The free will and the evil in Saint Augustine
Ricardo J. BELLEI and Délcio Marques BUZINARO
Original title: O livre-arbítrio e o mal em Santo Agostinho
Keywords: Free will, Moral evil, Sin, Supreme Good.
Saint Augustine (354-340). One of the greatest exponents of the Christian philosophy is inserted in a reality where the Christianity has just become his official doctrine of the Roman Empire and still hasn’t got solid basis of his doctrines. A time of arising heresies. In some cases, the own saint himself had important role in the combat such as the Manichaeism and the pelagianismo. Against the Manichaeism which confirmed that the good (spirit) and the evil (something solid) were enemy eternal forces, that were in struggle – Augustine develops his system to solve the evil problem, fully unlinking Good, (the supreme God and creator of everything) from such reality and nothing that the blame of the evil presence in the world, thus, the moral evil or the sin. The physical evil would be, however, an unfolding of the sin.
Saint Augustine: Faith, Hope and Charity
Emerson DETONI
Original title: Santo Agostinho: Fé, Esperança e Caridade
Keywords: Faith, God, Saint Augustine, Virtue.
Before the God’s revelation, that proposes his salvation project, the human being is invited to answer through faith, hope and charity. Believing, waiting and loving the man place himself into the dynamic of the existence towards to God. More than a set of contents, it is a life path, a disposition, a capability and availability of complying every day “acts of faith”, to place oneself in the God’s Hands with full confidence, hoping from Him the fullness of property and the eternal life. Saint Augustine has deepened the interiority of the faith decision, his connection with the hope and the charity. Everything with a strong suffering towards Christ.
In perfect future. The End of Time in Augustine, the apocalyptic and Gnostic
Original title: En futuro perfecto. El fin del tiempo en Agustín, los apocalípticos y los gnósticos
Keywords: Apocalypse, Christianity, Culture, Gnosticism, Philosophy of History, Time.
Augustine's reflection on time, from the level of individual salvation and the transcendence of the heavenly city located from the beginning on Earth, able to characterize or shape of medieval culture, but it is also clear that the expectations generated apocalyptic positions – better known as millenarian sects – and the Gnostics did not fail to weigh heavily in the collective imagination that went through the end of the Roman Empire and the so-called Middle Ages. So the contrast between conceived notions about the future in these three directions, it allows you to understand the full extent the meaning and significance of the choice of linear and finite time, hidden under mythical notions as Revelation, Last Judgment, Kingdom of God, eternal salvation, is at the bottom of the beliefs that have been – and somehow still blowing – life to Western culture.
Time and Eternity in Saint Augustine
Marcos Roberto Nunes COSTA
Original title: Tempo e Eternidade em Santo Agostinho
Keywords: Eternity, Manichaeism, Neoplatonism, Saint Augustine, Time.
Every Augustinian disputation regarding to time - eternity relation arises from the need of combating the Manicheans and, by indirection, all those ones that affirmed, asserted world eternity, that denied ex nihilo Jewish - Christian Creation principle. Saint Augustine, departing from Genesis Scriptural Book in order to present a revelational founding and neoplatonic philosophy, in order to impart philosophic maintenance to the above - mentioned thesis, has ended up by moving away from not only Manichaeism, but from Neo-Platonism itself which has worked as philosophical foundation for contesting those ones.
The end of time (or times) as end of the History. A discussion about the mutations of the conception and perception of the Time between the last old period and the coming of the Christianity
Ronaldo AMARAL
Original title: O fim do(s) tempo(s) como o fim da História. Uma discussão sobre as mutações da concepção e percepção do Tempo entre o último período antigo e o advento do Cristianismo
Keywords: History, Mutations, Perception, Time, Transition.
The mutations/continuities that marked the transition of the old thought for the Christian were multiple and deep, and so much in the ambit of the ideas as of the sensibilities. And here the time. Perhaps for this time conception and perception, resulted of that couple mutations/continuities, giving emphasis here verified them mutations, have been the most significant contribution for the constitution of a new worldview in the breast of the Christian society, since it would impose to the followers no less than the man's own place in the world and of the world in the man, and of both in the ambit of God.
If God is eternal
Pe. Dilonei Pedro MÜLLER
Original title: Se Deus é eterno
Keywords: Being, Duration, Eternity, God, Time.
This study focuses on comprehending some of the aspects about God’s eternity in São Tomas. He talks about the question of the eternity of God in the first part of the Summa Theologiae, the tenth question. The eternity concept acquires itself throughout the knowledge of time. Such as to the knowledge of the simple things gets through the knowledge of the composed things, and the knowledge of God’s eternity is acquired through the knowledge of time. Time is the enumeration of the movement one second before and one second after and characterizes itself by own succession. In a not moving endowed being, which, in fact is always the same one, there isn’t one second before and one after. This comprehension derives the idea of eternity. So, what is totally immutable doesn’t carry any succession, and, because of this it doesn’t have either a beginning or an end.
Time and Eternity in Saint Thomas Aquinas
Original title: Tempo e Eternidade em Santo Tomás de Aquino
Keywords: Eternity, God, Thomas Aquinas, Time.
Analysis of the concepts of time and eternity in the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas.
Measure and classify the usual time: the dogged work of medieval jurists
Original title: Medir y clasificar el tiempo de la costumbre: la obstinada tarea de los juristas medievales
Keywords: Christian time, Classification, Costume, Legal discourse, Medieval jurists.
The custom has been linked in the juridical classic tradition and in the medieval one to the problem of the time. Nevertheless the conception of the temporality that was operating in each of these traditions was clearly different. The target of this work will be to show the transformation that took place in the medieval right with regard to the time of the custom, change directly related to a new Christian conception that did of the time a key for the salvation. Although the references to the time of the custom were already present in Corpus Iuris never the Roman legal experts alluded to period that were allowing the introduction of the same one. The time in the roman jurisprudence only was qualifying to the custom. The medieval jurists crossed by a conception of the time where the term was an important element for the attainment of an end (the salvation in the eschatological time) got obsessed for measuring and classifying the time of the consuetudo.
Narratives of time: Augustine and Joachim of Fiore
Noeli Dutra ROSSATO
Original title: Narrativas do tempo: Agostinho e Joaquim de Fiore
Keywords: Augustine, History, Joachim of Fiore, Time, narrative.
The Book XI of Augustine's Confessions is analyzed based on the mutual implication between the themes of triplicate present and distention of the soul. The solution shown is that of the ontological paradox and to that of the measure of time being linked to both these themes, and that the notion of narrative presents itself as a possibility of resolution of the paradox between the time of the soul and the time of the world. Lastly the history theory of Augustine and Joachim of Fiore are analyzed from the narrative perspective.
“Checkmate to the time, the forms and the place…”. Meister Eckhart between flowing of time and stillness of Eternity
Original title: “Xeque-mate ao tempo, às formas e ao lugar...”. Mestre Eckhart entre o fluir do tempo e o remanso da Eternidade
Keywords: Eternity, Time, birth of logos, fullness, instant.
The conception of time in Eckhart’s reflection is a fundamental point that joins the thought of German Dominican: the metaphysic model of development of being overcomes the concepts of time and eternity, leading plurality into One, the duplex esse into unum esse, the temporal into timeless. The illustration of the main features of this rational path, here, is done starting from the poem Granum sinapis, which condenses the main themes of philosophicaltheological speculation of Thüringen, among of that there’s the issue of time.
Time and eternity: a model in John Duns Scotus (c. 1265-1308) and a note on Francis of Mayrone (c. 1280-1327)
Roberto Hofmeister PICH
Original title: Tempo e eternidade: um modelo em Duns Scotus (c. 1265-1308) e uma nota sobre Francisco de Meyronnes (c. 1280-1327)
Keywords: Divine Knowledge, Eternity, Francis of Mayrone, John Duns Scotus, Time.
Since a seminal study by Richard Cross doubts were raised about some Scotist passages concerning God’s knowledge of future contingents, where the Subtle Doctor would have adopted, atipically, a kind of presentism about time. Making use of McTaggat’s expressions, Cross recognized that Scotus is bound to a A-theory (presentism) language. This brings some difficulties to the interpreter, but it should not prevent anyone from concluding that Scotus seems at the end to favour a B-theory (here called “staticism”) on the nature of time. The exposition of time as a “fluent now” would occur for the first time in Lect. I d. 39. Scotus rejects there what he sees as Aquinas’ view on God’s timelessness – which would entail a B-theory, and therefore that a A-series of “past, present, and future” does not exist. In this study, a clarification of the dilemmas is pursued through the analysis of three key texts by Scotus on the subject – Lect. I d. 39 q. 1-5, Ord. I d. 38 q. 2 and d. 39 q. 1-5, and Rep. exam. I d. 38 q. 1-2, which deal with the question of the knowledge that God has of all things according to every temporal condition of existence. A short note on the position of Francis of Mayrone concerning the ontological status of time can confirm the approach offered here.
Time in Jewish Worldview
Jane Bichmacher de GLASMAN
Original title: O Tempo na Cosmovisão Judaica
Keywords: Calendar, Ecology, Jewish Festivals, Judaism, Shabbat.
Judaism is usually studied and analyzed from several points of view. My purpose, in this text, is to detach the time markers, specially the months of the year and the Shabbat, as characteristic elements in the formation and in the permanence of Jewish tradition, since the origins of universal history up to contemporary, as well as its connection with nature, illustrating like this Jewish worldview through the time dimension.

Some thoughts on the semantic analysis of economic and financial medieval vocabulary held by Ancelet-Dominique Netter
Josemar Machado de OLIVEIRA
Original title: Algumas reflexões sobre a análise semântica do vocabulário econômico e financeiro medieval realizada por Dominique Ancelet-Netter