The Controversy about the Translation of Origen of Alexandria
La controversia en torno a la traducción de Orígenes de Alejandría
Published in Mirabilia Journal 31 (2020/2)
Keywords: Keywords: Antiorigenism, Heterodoxy, Interpretation, Origenism, Philology, Theology.
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In Church’s history, the 4th and 5th Centuries A. D. are characterized by the for or against theological thoughts associated with Origen of Alexandria. Two of the prota-gonists in relation to this argument are saint Jerome and Rufin of Aquileya, each of whom will translate the Περὶ ’Αρχῶν. Both translations will be an object of huge con-troversy between them. This article addresses the different ways in which both authors translate that origenean work from the saint Jerome’s apologetic treatise against Rufin of Aquileya (Adversus Rufinum).